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Hospital parking fees being waived

The hospital also announced an email service for you to send messages to your loved ones who are patients there
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Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) is lifting its parking gates for the rest of April through the end of June to allow free parking for hospital patients and visitors.

“These are difficult times for everyone so we wanted to do what we can to make paying for parking at the hospital one less thing people need to worry about,” says Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH. “It’s also a safety factor because this means less people having to touch parking payment machines in the next few months.”

GBGH’s team of staff and credentialed staff, who usually pay a monthly rate for parking, are also receiving the parking fee break from April until the end of June in recognition of their efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) has created an email service for loved ones to send messages to patients while in the hospital. Using the email address [email protected] or through the Thinking of You icon on the GBGH website (, friends and family can email patients. The messages will be printed and delivered to patients during their stay in hospital.

“It’s never easy to spend time in the hospital, so we wanted to provide this additional service to enhance our patient’s experience,” says Gail Hunt, president and CEO, GBGH. “Due to visitor restrictions imposed to ensure safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, patients cannot see their loved ones in hospital. This is one way we can help deliver the messages of families and friends to offer support and love during difficult times.”

The Thinking of You service is expected to continue beyond the COVID-19 pandemic for loved ones who cannot visit patients in the hospital due to distance, illness or other reasons.



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