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Askennonia Senior Centre

Askennonia Senior Centre: Nurturing Body, Mind, and Spirit for Over 30 Years

For more than three decades, Askennonia Senior Centre in Midland, Ontario, has been a cornerstone of the community, committed to fostering the well-being of its members in body, mind, and spirit. The name "Askennonia," derived from a Ouendat greeting, means Peace, Wholeness, and Well-being—an apt reflection of the centre's mission. What began with just 75 charter members and a few weekly activities like a foot clinic and bridge games has blossomed into a vibrant hub with over 1,450 members and more than 50 weekly programs that span educational, recreational, and social interests. Whether it’s badminton or book club, tai chi or line dancing, pickleball or singing, watercolor painting or ukulele playing, quilting or Zumba—there’s always something for everyone at Askennonia!

Each program at Askennonia is carefully designed to offer physical or mental benefits. For example, participating in music-based activities like Country Jam sessions or Ukulele groups can exercise the lungs and heart, increase oxygen levels and pain-relieving endorphins, reduce stress, enhance sleep, and strengthen your core, thereby boosting balance. Even just listening to these performances can alleviate pain, improve mobility, coordination, and cognitive abilities—and, most importantly, it’s a lot of fun!

There are numerous opportunities each week to enhance or maintain physical health. While some programs cater to individuals with good mobility, most are suitable for people of all ages and mobility levels. Be sure to check our newsletter for brief descriptions of each program, and if in doubt, always consult your physician before participating.

Learning new skills, hobbies, and games, as well as attending events where you’re likely to make new friends, does wonders for the heart and soul. The World Health Organization recognizes that maintaining social connections and staying socially active are significant contributors to longevity.

Most of Askennonia’s 50+ weekly programs are designed for members, but some are open to the public, and all special events and bus trips are open to everyone. Askennonia membership is just $50 per year, with a prorated fee available after mid-August. Subsidized memberships are also available for those in need. For more information about Askennonia Senior Centre—where healthy aging never gets old—call 705-526-7609, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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