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NOTICE.TO: The owner(s) of the property as described in parcel identification number 58479-0276 (LT)

NOTICE.TO: The owner(s) of the property as described in parcel identification number 58479-0276 (LT), in the Township of Tay, County of Simcoe, and/or the Personal Representative of his, her or their estates or his, her or their heirs at law; and/or Elizabeth Dack and/or the Personal Representative of her estate or her heirs at law. RE: PIN 58479-0508 (LT) and shown as Part 1 on the draft reference plan prepared by Tham Surveying Limited, Ontario Land Surveyors, and dated November 26, 2024. The said plan is available for inspection through OnLand ( or Teraview (, the Land Registration website, or the office of the solicitor for the applicant.

TAKE NOTICE THAT PORT MCNICOLL RESIDENCES INC., herein called the applicant, intends to apply to be registered as the owner with an absolute title to the above-described land. AND TAKE NOTICE THAT any person claiming to have any title to or interest in the said land or any part of it is required on or before to file a statement of objection, which sets out the nature and extent of the interest claimed in the objection, together with all evidence, documents or legal provisions and precedents relied upon in support of the objection, directed to the land registrar at the address of the solicitor at the following address: Himelfarb Proszanski, 1401-480 University Avenue Toronto ON M5G 1V2. If no such statement of objection is filed by March 10, 2025 (which is more than 30 days from the date this notice was served), I will proceed with the application and any interest you may claim in the subject property will be thereby extinguished and you will not be entitled to receive any further notice with respect to the proceedings. Dated at Toronto this 3 rd day of February, 2025; Himelfarb Proszanski, 1401-480 University Avenue, Toronto, ON M5G 1V2, (416) 599-8080, Solicitor for the Applicant.