MidlandToday welcomes letters to the editor ([email protected]). Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to a letter regarding short-term rentals, published April 14.
I understand the concern for partying, noise and disrespectful guests. I, too, would not want to have to deal with that.
However, it’s unfair to point the finger at short-term rentals (STRs). Such guests could be renters in a long-term situation as my parents had the unfortunate experience. They do not leave after a weekend.
It’s really a shame that a small percentage of owners of STRs are being put in such a light. It starts with responsible ownership and management of a property. Not every guest will behave as such and we shouldn’t punish the rest for the actions of a few.
Should cottaging be prestigious? Only those that could afford to own have the privilege of enjoying cottage country? Let’s face it. A resort or hotel is very different from a cottage. COVID has put us in a position where not everyone is comfortable sharing space with others.
Many owners use STR as a way of making expensive updates and upkeep of a second property. And why not share it if you can’t be there 365 days a year?
David, you should not accept that you might lose your beloved week away if you are a responsible guest. Fight for change of how they are managed. Putting in place the proper municipal guidelines could enforce change and reduce the problems you are referring to. We just need towns to get on board.
Tami Sturgeon