MidlandToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). This letter is in response to LETTER: Simcoe North results no cause for celebration, published June 4.
I was interested in Ryan McVeigh 's letter regarding his opinion of the successful election of our democratically elected official captioned in the heading.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter how misguided or misinformed it appears.
I trust the letter writer has never served his community as a public figure or thrown his hat in the election pool to seek the support of his fellow taxpayers. I have done both those things in my life and I will offer the following observation that is based on a variety of public service in my past: getting elected in a democratic election or appointed on behalf of a public cause does not mean that all the people who voted were your supporters but enough were, to make a decision on your behalf.
So, accept their decision and invest in the success of the process and next time (you) may be educated enough to understand the difficulty of serving the public interest and be more supportive rather than critical.
Valid opposition is critical to the success of our system. Look at Andrea Horwath, a great NDP leader and Leader of the Opposition, but I would not vote for her party.
Dan O'Brien,