BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to a story titled 'Ontario Greens propose tax on domestic buyers of multiple homes,' published April 27.
Perhaps the Greens forgot that there already is a tax on multiple residences — when they are sold. It's called capital gains.
If they are suggesting paying that up-front and not charging it at time of sale, all well and good.
If they are going to interfere in the free market of real estate, what stops them from playing around with more taxation schemes in other areas?
What if the second, third or fourth, etc., home owned was built by the owner? Are they going to tax them also?
Governments at every level are encroaching further and further into the lives of Canadians all espousing the same shtick, "we're doing it for the families," but in reality what's needed is lower building material prices and more land freed up at reasonable prices
You can't have a constant stream of population growth without a constant stream of housing creation. It seems our governments only focus on the one.
Colin Tanner
Victoria Harbour