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This letter is in response to stories published recently regarding some Tiny residents' desire to get rid of gas-powered leaf blowers.
Banning gas-powered leaf blowers. What a joke.
I have a gas-powered leaf blower. I purposely bought it because of its low noise.
In our neighbourhood, the majority of people have the high-pitched, loud leaf blowers that are much louder and (more) annoying than any gas-powered blower.
Last week, I was blowing off my driveway after the storm. I pretty well use it on idle with short bursts on the throttle. I could hear the neighbour's electric blower over mine and the person using the electric blower was 50 yards away. And that's with me using mine.
The electric ones have one speed only and that's full out. Someone needs to give their head a shake....really!
Grant Ruffle
Tiny Township