MidlandToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication).
Dear Editor,
When I first permanently moved up to Tiny Township, about eight years ago, it reminded me of my childhood.
I grew up cottaging, swimming, hiking the trails and being in awe of the peninsula's forests and clean waters.
Upon arrival, I volunteered. I joined the Parks Board. I helped organize tree plantings at the CBO Arboretum and other lands in need of a return to diverse forests. I loved it.
Like other retired professionals, I tried to help out where I could, suggesting strategies for environmental enhancements or, as an entomologist, I dealt with insect problems. I enjoyed doing this, as a volunteer, for free. I truly loved interacting with other volunteers, and the dedicated Tiny staff, to promote the greening of our environment and any of the activities that helped promote and protect our trees and the bay.
These past few years have been disappointing. There has been a change in the upper management and the governing Council.
I no longer feel valued and the environment seems to be 'in the way'. I'm at a loss. I am saddened. This expensive new build is being forced onto a parkland of rare and endangered plants and animals, while our parks forests, marshes and lakes are being neglected. Sad.
Paul Bell
Tiny Township