MidlandToday welcomes letters to the editor ([email protected]). Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). This letter is in response to letters regarding Jill Dunlop avoiding candidates debates.
I’ve watched two shepherds: Conservative Doug Lewis and Liberal Fred Larsen.
With due respect to everybody who has taken the time to write a letter regarding the Ontario election, I find it alarming that a seasoned lawyer and politician (Lewis) would endorse incumbent Jill Dunlop, who has avoided public debates and opportunities to explain her platform to the people. Not responding to phone calls as indicated (in letters from) Sandy Agnew, Daniel Dickinson and John Winchester is unacceptable.
As I recall, I offered to debate Doug Lewis on the merits of public power and he declined. Obviously, that avoidance tactic worked in city hall’s favour and resulted in the loss of living-wage jobs and increased taxation on top of people’s hydro bills.
If given a chance, I would like to ask Dunlop about the $118 billion of Ontario’s energy and electricity subsidy programs that show up on the reverse of my hydro bill. Perhaps she could get Ontario’s attorney general, Doug Downey, to explain how the Ford government is going to make that disappear.
Maybe Dunlop is just a shy politician.
Maurice McMillan
Ramara Township