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LETTER: 'This bad dream will end,' Tiny resident says

Tiny Council's 'actions have created a diverse but highly organized and disciplined group of citizens intent on ensuring the least amount of permanent damage occurs before we wake up to a new day at the end of October, 2026'
2022 04 20 cell-tablet-laptop-pexels-eren-li-7241367
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MidlandToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). MidlandToday received the following letter to the editor from Ted Phelps.

I am writing concerning the October 10th article about Penetanguishene Mayor Rawson's response to the proposed North Simcoe user-fee study.

Have patience neighbours. This bad dream will end. By far, the vast majority (85%) of Tiny residents, evidenced by the recently published Tiny Cottager's survey and backed up by a petition purportedly approaching 5,000 signatures which is slated for presentation to the provincial government, are also living the nightmare. However, we are now approaching the end of October and the halfway point from the insanity and alienation resulting from the October 24, 2022 municipal election. Dawn is in sight.

Our Tiny council, faced with massive and vocal opposition, has moved into a bunker mentality phase, cancelling usual engagement sessions and opportunities, such as the budget survey and a fall townhall and severely restricting public access and discussion at official meetings. However, their actions have created a diverse but highly organized and disciplined group of citizens intent on ensuring the least amount of permanent damage occurs before we wake up to a new day at the end of October, 2026.

Keep the faith. We respect and value our neighbours in Penetanguishene, Midland, Tay, and Springwater and know all our lives are better when we share and build on each others strengths and unique assets.

Ted Phelps