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LETTER: Tiny resident supports public forums, free exchange of ideas

'Residents/taxpayers, to ensure that this project is something worth paying for and something worth getting into a debt for in these uncertain economic times,' Tiny resident says of new admin build
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Tiny admin building project. 

Thanks for publishing Mr. Davies’ (Sept.10) and Mr. Knell’s (Sept.13) letters.

Contrary to Mr. Knell’s call for censorship (“'It's time now that the Midland news stops giving air time to this negative element in our community..”), I actually support public forums and the free exchange of ideas. If we are to return to the democratic principles of municipal governments executing the will of local residents/taxpayers, we must return to valuing the expression of differing opinions. If that is not Mr. Knell’s objective, then censoring alternative views might seem a very tempting “solution.”

It is my understanding that the councillors pushing for the new build are not running for reelection. They are not pushing for the new build to get reelected, and they are not pushing for it because we, the taxpayers, asked for it. When asked, Mr. Evans nor Mr. Litch were able to point to an event where the public instructed the Council to expand the reno into a new build. So, it is no surprise to me that the more the councillors push, the more opposition there is. The omnipresent lawn signs: “Stop the Build” are yet another illustration of this issue.

So it is up to us, the residents/taxpayers, to ensure that this project is something worth paying for and something worth getting into a debt for in these uncertain economic times. 

It is up to the residents to ensure that the proposed expense of tens of millions of dollars, combined with yet another tens of millions of dollars in borrowing costs, is actually going to benefit the local community, not the federal or provincial governments, not NGO’s, or transnational corporations, nor UNESCO, or UN ideologies. This project must produce tangible benefits for municipal employees and residents in the process of servicing the local community. 

I may have reached an age where I might exit this world at any time, so why should I care? Because unnecessary debt and higher taxes are yet another burden we’d pass onto our kids and our grandchildren. Who erased fiscal responsibility from anything and everything nowadays and labelled it as "sustainable?" How sustainable is it if one cannot afford it?
Can one be in a $40 or $50 million dollar hole and still claim a net zero footprint?

I am reminded of a quote I came across recently: “We’ve spent the last 30 years moving from what makes sense... to what sounds good”.
Now, for the sake of public discourse, instead of applying abstract labels, could Mr. Knell be more specific? Could he please state what he means by "…perpetuating anger and fear on false claims,”… and ”we know the truth.” Please help the community by pointing out the false claims, so that we can collectively clarify, correct and come together united again.

May I ask the same of Mr. Davies? Statements in his letter, such as “toxic trends of misinformation and slander,”… ”tactic of sowing division,”… ”misinformation, creating an environment of confusion and fear,”…  ”claims, often unsupported and misleading,”… ”half-truths and inflammatory rhetoric,”… ”ill-informed resistance,"… ”desire to obstruct progress at any cost. We must recognize this and come together to focus on facts, not fear.” Again, could you please share your thoughts, beyond labels, and, for the sake of reviving the healthy discourse, could you please clarify what you deem as "misinformation, misleading, half-truths," etc.?

I wholeheartedly agree with your statement: “Let’s ensure Tiny Township’s future is shaped by thoughtful planning and informed decision-making—not by the divisive influence of those unfit to lead such a critical charge.”

I have a feeling we are more united than we think.

The often repeated “silent majority wants it” is an obvious oxymoron. To establish and validate the claim of a majority, the majority has to be heard. In order to be heard, the majority can no longer remain silent.

A referendum would be an easy proof of majority. It is an easy tool to end the “divisiveness and rift among the community” Mr. Davies is as frustrated about it as we all are.

It is in Mr. Mayor’s and the Council’s hands. 

The transparency of a referendum is the best healing disinfectant.

Vlad Muller
Tiny, Ontario