MidlandToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication).
There is no doubt that this is a hard, hard winter. I understand that the crews are working hard and long hours to keep the streets viable. However, sadly, they are not.
On the east side of Midland’s King Street, the side streets are scary. Queen, Manly, all the way up — if you are south of Yonge Street, these streets cannot support two cars or trucks meeting. You have to try and deke into a driveway, or hit the snow bank. At the intersections, you have to try and nose out. Not ideal.
I suggest the town consider imposing one-way designation on these hard-hit streets — Queen, one way north to south; Manly, one way south to north, and so on. Any chance they could look into this quickly?
Liz Downer