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Dealing with effects of fraud, more than 'just a scam': OPP

While fraud causes financial losses, it can also cause emotional and physical harm to all ages

The Southern Georgian Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre are raising the awareness of the various fraud scams that North Simcoe residents may face as part of Fraud Prevention Month.

While fraud causes financial losses, it can also cause emotional and physical harm to all ages. Dismissing fraud as 'just a scam' ignores the other harms that it can cause.

Some of the effects that fraud has on victims include:

  • Financial loss: Victims often lose significant amounts of money, sometimes their life savings, making recovery extremely difficult
  • Emotional distress: Fraud can lead to feelings of betrayal, anger, and sadness, particularly if the scam involved a personal or emotional connection
  • Psychological effects: Victims may experience anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress after being defrauded
  • Social isolation: Shame and embarrassment can make victims withdraw from family and friends, further compounding their distress
  • Loss of trust: Many victims struggle to trust others after being scammed, especially if the perpetrator posed as a trustworthy authority figure or loved ones

There are several ways that you can protect yourself or your loved ones:

  • Share information related to common types of fraud in order to reduce the stigma and prevent others from falling victim
  • Have a regular discussion with friends and family members regarding new types of fraud you`ve encountered or have heard of
  • Fraud can happen to anyone. Don't be ashamed to share your experience as it can help save a loved one from being a victim

Anyone who suspects they have been the target of cybercrime or fraud should report it to their local police,  to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre online or by phone at 1-888-495-8501.



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