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Doug Ford to be in Orillia Friday to make 'special announcement'

Ford will be at the hospital along with the province's health minister; no details have been released about what is being announced
2020-08-20 Doug Ford OPP announcement 7
Premier Doug Ford speaks during a stop in Orillia in 2020. The premier will be making a "special announcement" at Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Friday morning. Nathan Taylor/OrilliaMatters File Photo

Premier Doug Ford is coming to Orillia Friday to "make a special announcement" at Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital (OSMH).

While officials at the hospital were not able to shed any light on what would be announced, the hospital has been seeking the province's approval to build a new hospital.

In January, the hospital unveiled its ‘Start today, serve tomorrow’ campaign.

At the time, Carmine Stumpo, the hospital’s president and CEO, said the campaign is in direct response to the “urgent and increasing need” to replace the region’s oldest hospital.

Last March, following the release of the provincial budget, OSMH officials expressed disappointment that the budget did not include what's called a "planning grant" for the hospital.

At the time, Stumpo said there was urgency to get support from the province to move forward.

“The urgency hasn’t changed,” he said. “We need a new hospital. We understand it’s a long process, and we need to work at that.”

In addition to the premier, the province's minister of health, Sylvia Jones, is also slated to be at the announcement along with Simcoe North MPP Jill Dunlop, notes a media advisory from OSMH.

Ford and his entourage are expected to be at the hospital at 11 a.m. Friday morning.

No other details are being released.



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