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Here’s what North Simcoe residents pay for when councils go to AMO

'Costs are trivial,' Midland mayor says of annual Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference, but Tay mayor doesn't feel event 'justifies the expense for benefit received'
Midland municipal offices at 575 Dominion Avenue.

What better way to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, than to have taxpayer dollars advocate for pressing issues in their respective communities?

The annual conference begins next week in Ottawa, and many of the 444 represented municipalities have been preparing to attend with delegations in mind. 

As each would need to submit a request for an opportunity to have a 10-minute, one-on-one with provincial politicians, choosing which topic to speak about and with whom would be unique for every municipality to agree upon within their own ranks.

MidlandToday reached out to North Simcoe’s municipalities to see what they would be seeking to accomplish at the conference, how much it would cost their ratepayers, and why it was an important function which would benefit their residents.


Of seven requested delegations, CAO Rhonda Bunn stated that five had received confirmation.

Those were in regards to: a $42-million grant application to the Housing-Enabling Water System Fund (Ministry of Infrastructure); support for the cruise industry (Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Gaming); the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund and a change to Municipal Accommodation Tax legislation (both with the Ministry of Finance); and a shortage of qualified building inspectors within the province (Ministry of Colleges and Universities).

“Delegations hosted at AMO are an excellent opportunity for municipal staff and elected officials to meet face-to-face with provincial leaders and ministry staff,” said Bunn, adding that the delegation requests “highlight some of the challenges faced by small urban municipalities such as ours.”

Costwise, Bunn cited that Mayor Bill Gordon would be attending as a Simcoe County council member under their fee expense (which means taxpayers would be paying for his stay through the county rather than municipality), while the remaining six council members and two senior staff members also scheduled the full conference to attend; early bird registration and three nights of conference hotel accommodations for roughly $1,700 per person calculated to $13,600 total.

“The town takes advantage of ‘early bird’ rates by registering early in the year to keep our costs low,” Bunn shared.

Gordon said that out of all the conference opportunities available to municipal leaders and senior staff each year, if you only had the budget or desire to attend one, it would be the AMO.

"The costs are trivial when compared to the value received by networking with virtually every peer municipality in the Province over three days," he said.

More focused events and conferences provided similar value, said Gordon, but not to the widespread opportunity of AMO.

“Participation in these yearly events, even if only at the AMO, keeps a municipality connected to their associations and their executive, their peers and provides valuable direction for the following years. It is also the forum to elect new members to the AMO board and opportunities to connect directly with every Provincial minister and their staff,” stated Gordon who, as per a recent council meeting, had received unanimous approval from Midland council to run for a position on the AMO board of directors.

“We are lucky to have such a close relationship with our MPP/Minister Dunlop in Simcoe North but that doesn't replace the need to network and connect with other ministers at the conference,” Gordon added.

Regarding the Ministry of Infrastructure delegation, Gordon hoped that residents would wish him luck.

"I am up against 443 other municipalities," said Gordon, "but we have a solid business case and an excellent presentation lined up for each of the delegations, especially this one. I will be selling our town hard to the ministers we meet with and looking for the help we need to help us support growth. Our water/wastewater system expansion is staggeringly expensive, and without winning some significant Provincial funding the costs will be borne by the local ratepayers."


Mayor Doug Rawson said that three delegations had been accepted for the week.

“We’re meeting with the Solicitor General regarding the Central North Correctional Centre and the funding disparity between us and the province,” said Rawson. “We're also meeting with the Minister of Finance regarding heads-and-beds regarding Waypoint and the superjail; first time we've delegated that in some time so we're looking forward to that. And we’re meeting with the Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility regarding regulatory framework for long-term care institutions.”

Value was the key reward, said Rawson on what Penetanguishene residents were paying for.

At an expense of approximately $2,000 each for the full complement of seven council members and CAO, Rawson cited previous years where AMO delegations had produced results.

“Last year we delegated (Ojibwa Landing at 111 Robert Street West) at AMO, talking about how long it's been going through the approval process, and we're almost right across the finish line. Quickly after delegation last year, the ministers were able to put a little more pressure on the department level, we were able to get that across the line quicker. We've had some positive traction regarding CNCC; there's no check in the mail but this is about building partnerships and relationships, and bringing our agenda forward.

“On top of the delegation piece, there's also lots of learning,” Rawson added. “Every member of council will be going to learning sessions… networking with other municipalities. I think it's hard to measure, but it delivers tremendous value back to our council and our community at large.”


Deputy CAO and corporate services director Haley Leblond said that two delegations were requested and accepted to speak about septage management and the development of settlement areas.

“All residences, farms and businesses in Tiny are on a septic system,” stated Leblond. “Given the vast size of the township (roughly 344 square kilometres), underground wastewater treatment infrastructure to connect homes is extremely expensive and not feasible to install.”

Leblond noted that while septage could be spread on ministry-approved fields during winter, resident options were limited.

“Previously, septage from Tiny was able to be hauled to the Town of Midland’s wastewater treatment centre, but this is no longer an option. The discussion with the Minister of Infrastructure will explore the septage challenges currently experienced by the township and others in North Simcoe, and the potential for provincial assistance in investment into alternatives to field applications.”

As for development of settlement areas (through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing), Leblond explained that the township had been advocating for changes and expansions for years, contending that the current fixed settlement boundaries by the county and the province were non-reflective of activity seen through increased building permit activity and a demand for housing and employment lands in Tiny.

“The township is supportive of proposed new policy directions in a consolidated provincial policy document that will provide more flexibility for settlement area boundaries,” said Leblond. “Discussions with the Ministry will explore the expansion of the township settlement areas in smart and sustainable ways.”

The importance of AMO attendance, according to Leblond, was due to the venue being the “largest annual gathering for local and provincial elected officials to meet, share ideas and solutions to common issues, and learn about emerging trends and upcoming changes that may impact our community”. 

“Registration and accommodation for Mayor Dave Evans and Deputy Mayor Sean Miskimins is covered by the County of Simcoe. The expense for the other members of council attending is registration of $860 and hotel of $909.” As AMO was the primary advocate organization for municipalities, Leblond said it was imperative for the township to be part of the conversations.


Conversely to the other North Simcoe municipalities, Tay Township Mayor Ted Walker stated: “Tay will not be attending, nor did we request any meetings through the AMO Conference process. No member of council has indicated a desire to attend.”

The non-participation won’t be the first time Tay has opted not to go.

“My opinion,” Walker explained, “is that municipalities should not have to apply for 15 minute meetings with provincial ministers (subject to their approval) at the AMO Conference. As municipalities, we should be afforded the opportunity to meet with a Provincial Minister on a reasonable time frame, and a meeting of which is not restricted to 15 minutes. 

“Our (Simcoe North) MPP Jill Dunlop is always very receptive to meeting with me when requested and is always very responsive to texts and e-mails from me. On a personal note, I simply do not feel the AMO Conference justifies the expense for benefit received; however, I acknowledge and respect that others may have a differing opinion.”


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