While Midland ratepayers will notice an increase on their tax bills next year, the town is proposing a number of recreational enhancements.
One item that sticks out in the town’s draft budget for 2024 is a plan to add a roof structure to cover Rotary Stage in Little Lake Park. Earlier this year, the town completed amphitheatre seating around the stage as a means to better use the entertainment space, which in the past has seen spectators sitting on a downward sloping hill.
As well, the town is planning upgrades and a full redesign to the park’s community gardens.
There are also plans to increase transportation accessibility and emergency preparedness by purchasing a new accessible transit van and a pumper truck for the fire department.
Mayor Bill Gordon noted that CFO Lindsay Barron presented a high-level overview of the draft 2024 budget at a recent council meeting.
“Council looks forward to carefully reviewing this comprehensive document which includes the preliminary recommendations prepared by town administration," Gordon said.
“It’s also important that the community becomes informed on the draft budget and takes the opportunity to provide feedback or attend the budget public meeting on January 17th.”
Following that meeting, council and staff will continue the budget process with three days of deliberations to arrive at an approved budget.
In the draft budget, there are also continued plans to invest in sustainable infrastructure replacement as outlined in the town’s 10-year capital plan along with supporting local organizations and boards through funding, in-kind services or “other means of support.”
Town staff also plan to actively seek grant funding “to reduce the burden on the tax levy while providing input for affordable and attainable housing, transforming public spaces with art and other infrastructure improvements.
But the plans also mean an increase in the town’s base budget of 4.46%, a figure that includes funding requests from related agencies, boards and commissions.
Town staff say this increase will allow it to maintain service levels while also continuing to provide for free downtown parking.
“Significant contributions will be made to town capital reserves to ensure that the services provided today remain in place for residents and community partners to enjoy,” the town notes.
With council’s strategic priorities in mind, council and staff have also put forward several new investment and service recommendations for council’s careful consideration during budget deliberations. These requests, along with an increased contribution to the sustainable capital levy equate to another 2.73%.
If all service recommendations are adopted, the town rate of 7.19%, is expected to blend down to a rate of 5.86%, when the impact of the County and school boards are considered.
This all-in rate translates into an increase of $7.76 per month per $100,000 of residential property assessment.
As presented, if the town were to meet all requirements and requests without any cuts or alterations to the draft budget, then the tax rate impact would see a 5.69 per cent municipal tax rate increase, with townsfolk seeing a 4.78 per cent increase to their taxes through an assumed blended rate on their bills.
“This is based on our current assessment assumptions for the county and the school,” said Barron. “This all-in rate equates to $6.33 per month, or, $75.92 per year of an increase per $100,000 of property assessment.”
However, there will be adjustments.
Notable revenue increases looked to new assessment growth of 2.58 per cent (at $700,000), general fund income of $244,000, and the parking levy which was slated as $408,000 but dynamically changed later in the same meeting as council dealt with the parking issue separately.
Decreases to revenue involved operational subsidies at a $250,000 decline, just $17,400 of Ontario Municipal Partnership Funding, and the loss of user-based contribution by Tiny Township to the North Simcoe Sports and Recreation Centre at $23,500.
Town expenses are also hefty, through reserve contributions for asset replacement at $565,000, reserve-funded one-time expenses of $357,000, debt management at $286,500, and the reinstatement of $63,000 to the budget for Economic Development Corporation of North Simcoe.
“The cost to maintain new service levels – which include changes related to existing contracts and services, market demand and inflationary pressures, as well as community initiatives – have also increased,” Barron explained. “The impact of these costs (at roughly $500,000) to the tax rate have been largely mitigated this year through (a new costing approach through) interdepartmental transfers to our water and wastewater operations.”
Comments or questions can be e-mailed to [email protected]. To view the draft budget, click here.
-with files from Derek Howard