Tiny Township is getting around to addressing one of its major issues: speed enforcement.
Three solar speed radars will soon be installed at Balm Beach Road West at Albert Avenue, Thunder Beach Road at Green Point Road, and Champlain Road at #1371.
Three other locations, County Road 6 at # 942, Tiny Beaches Road South at Jones Road, and Baseline Road South at #799 will be monitored using the speed trailer owned by the municipality.
"Down at the Balm Beach area, we're recommending painting the speed limit on the road," said Tim Leitch, director of public works. We can do it within the budget. We want to try it in the Balm Beach area as a constant reminder with the signage."
Mayor George Cornell asked what were staff's criteria for selecting the locations brought forward in the report.
"The criteria is a lot of the time based on complaints," said Leitch. "It's basically where we see maybe a blind spot or safety issues. We use a variety of criteria, even a traffic count on the amount of people."
Coun. Cindy Hastings asked if the data collected by the solar radar sign could be shared with the OPP for improving enforcement.
Leitch said there is a difference between the data collected by the trailer and the sign, and it depends on calibration.
"The signs are intended more as a reference item, but they're accurate enough to tell you someone is going too fast," he said, adding, staff would reach out to other municipalities to see if there were other ways of using the data.
Deputy Mayor Steffen Walma was in agreement with the staff suggested locations. He said council could look at adding more to the budget for next year so more locations can be monitored.
The decision will be ratified by council at a future meeting.