The Township of Tiny would like to remind the public that waterfront structures such as boat lifts on the lakebed are regulated under Provincial law and are not permitted in front of any municipally-owned properties.
The placement of waterfront structures on the lakebed is regulated by the Public Lands Act (PLA) and by Ontario Regulation 161/17 (O.Reg. 161/17) of the PLA. O. Reg 161/17 of the PLA speaks to persons who are permitted to occupy Crown land without having occupational authority. In general, boat lifts and other waterfront structures can be placed in the water provided they meet certain requirements; one of which is the person must own or occupy the waterfront property or have permission from the waterfront property owner.
The Township of Tiny will not permit or authorize any boat lifts or other in water structures installed in front of any municipally-owned properties which includes but is not limited to properties, beaches, road allowances or access paths.
If the boat lifts are fronting municipal-owned beaches and the municipally has not given permission for these structures, then these may be considered unauthorized occupations under O. Reg. 161/17 and will be removed at the owner’s expense.
For more information regarding the regulations, please visit the Ontario website.