A staff report part of this Wednesday's council committee agenda lays out the details of a proposed municipal short-term rental (STR) licensing bylaw.
The full report also contains details of survey responses received by close to 700 area respondents. Of those that have attempted the survey, a majority (62%) have indicated their main concern is noise levels, followed by beach use and garbage, as second and third. A few have also indicated multiple concerns in the 'other' category, such as drugs, sex, weapons, speeding, security and bylaw response.
Out of those that did reach out to report their concerns, a majority contacted municipal bylaw and a second group contacted the OPP. A few also said they spoke directly to the renters or contacted the property owners to complain.
Those who answered the question around the frequency of the concerns said they have experienced the issues frequently, however, a majority answered the question selecting the 'not applicable' option.
Similarly, when asked about under what criteria the STRs should be licensed, a majority have answered 'not applicable,' but for those that this is applicable, seven days of rentals was a popular choice.
The survey results also detailed responses from residents, some of whom have indicated the need for limiting the number of days property owners are allowed to rent, the licensing bylaw "being a money grab," and disagreement around hiring additional bylaw officers or Granicus, a third-party rental property database management company.
Staff is asking for council direction in making changes to the draft STR licensing bylaw that can be approved later the same day during the regular council meeting.
The proposed bylaw includes a definition of STRs, the municipal zones and locations where these properties may be permitted, a renter's code of conduct, a designated responsible person, a licence number, compliance with the sewage system, building and fire codes, as well as a demerit point system. Further, the draft bylaw, which is subject to council direction, also proposes a licensing fee of $400 - $600.
Council will also discuss delineation of beachfront properties at Lafontaine Beach Park, Wahnekewaning Beach, Balm Beach, Bluewater Beach, Concession 9/Ossossane Beach, Woodland Beach, Jacksons Park, Edmore Beach, Archer Road Allowance, 42 Lackie Cres., 10 Nassau Crt. and 1880 Tiny Beaches Rd. N.
Council will also be looking to slow down speed devils by installing three solar radar speed signs at Balm Beach Road West at Albert Avenue, Thunder Beach Road at Green Point Road and Champlain Road at #1371.
The committee of the whole meeting begins at 9 a.m. and will be followed by the regular council meeting. A livestream can be watched via the township's YouTube channel.