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Bregje Kee née Bras : A Dutch Heroine Remembered (4 photos)

The Kees made their home in Victoria Harbour, Bregje living independently in her own home until 97.

Bregje Kee née Bras : A Dutch Heroine Remembered

Bregje Bras and Joannes Kee of Beverwijk Holland, were married, with Bregje wearing a wedding dress made of parachute silk.

They immigrated to Canada in 1952 leaving a post-war Holland still reeling from the effects of invasion and war.

This was a horror that many who emigrated had experienced. The invading armies retreated in defeat and the victor marched in bringing relief or new horrors.

Safety was found in Canada and to this day the Kee family gives thanks much the same way, we are certain, any new emigrant feels today.

Bregje or Bridget took no guff from anyone and was the proud matriarch and mother of seven. Daughter Martha passed away April 10, 2020.

They were all there to remember their mum and sister. Theo, Albert, Frank, John, Mary Ellen and Monica talked openly about the painful life their mum endured, the courage she showed and the strength they all drew from her.

Bregje Kee died at 97 and all her children were seniors.

Some spoke and their words brought tears to everyone who heard. The Dutch remember in ways Canadians might not.

Mary Ellen carries these memories to this day. Monica, baby of the family, was a little rattled, but carried the day bravely. Brother Frank made our eyes sting with his simple and forthright memories of his mum’s porridge, homemade bread and her care.

This is a story of courage in the face of terrible adversity, the dislocation of people and the re-building of lives in new countries. They said goodbye to Holland, a place they knew and loved.

Fortunately for them and for all of us, they made it to safety.

The Kees made their home in Victoria Harbour, Bregje living independently in her own home until 97.

No retirement home, as her family rallied around her as she had guarded them all their lives.

Nice. Post-pandemic we might want to consider more independent living for the aging senior and see her life as an example.

Bregje is one of the last of that generation forged in the crucible of war.

We honour her memory.


René Hackstetter, September 23, 2021.