Midland, #DidYouSnow there is more snow coming... yes that has been a never ending reality.
As the Operations crew start to prepare for another winter storm, we want to thank you for your patience, cooperation, and community spirit during the constant snow events. Your efforts help keep Midland safe for everyone!
Got questions about plowing, sidewalks, and more? Visit the Snow Plowing and Winter Maintenance.
Be prepared
Winter can be unpredictable. Make sure you and your family are ready for snowstorms, power outages, and extreme cold. Visit Get Prepared for tips on emergency preparedness. By being mindful and taking extra precaution, we can ensure the safety and well-being of our loved ones and our community. Let’s look out for one another and stay safe together.
Winter parking restrictions
A reminder that overnight parking is not permitted on Town roads during the winter months. This allows our crews to efficiently clear snow and keep roads safe for travel. Any vehicles parked between the hours of 12:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. on Town streets, in municipal parking lots, or in any manner that interferes with snow plowing or winter maintenance, may be ticketed or towed. Learn more about winter parking restrictions.
Keep snow off roadways
Please do not to push or blow snow onto streets or sidewalks. Doing so creates hazards for drivers and pedestrians and slows down snow-clearing efforts. This is a violation of the Highway Traffic Act and By-law 2009-69.
Winter maintenance update
Our Operations crew has been busy non-stop cleaning up the snow from the non-stop falling snow. After a brief pause from snow fall the overnight crew have been able to continue cutting back snowbanks.
Though when the snow is falling, the crews have to halt snowbank cut backs to clear main roads, sidewalks, and other important routes as quickly and safely as possible after each snowfall.
Thank You, Midland! Your help in following these guidelines makes a big difference in keeping our community safe and accessible for everyone. Stay warm, stay safe, and thank you for doing your part!
#DidYouSnow this mountain is completely made of snow? This is a picture of the snow mountain at the Operations center! The mountain is so big that the full thing could not be captured in the photo.