The Town of Midland Draft 2025 Budget was released to the public and is available on the Town’s website. The proposed budget provides a balanced approach that supports the best value of services delivered to residents and businesses, as well as ensuring financial responsibility and promoting sustainable growth.
“The annual draft budget is one of the most important tools for shaping our Town’s future,” said Mayor Bill Gordon. “Council is committed to carefully reviewing this comprehensive document, which includes the preliminary recommendations prepared by staff. The annual draft budget process is a key opportunity for the community to get involved – learn about the Draft 2025 Budget, share your feedback, ask questions, and join us on January 15, 2025 at the Draft Budget Public Meeting. In late January, Council and staff will come together to finalize the 2025 Budget.”
Highlights of the Draft 2025 Budget include:
- Water and Wastewater Servicing: With an investment of over $30 million from the Province’s Housing-Enabling Water System Fund (HEWSF) the Town will complete significant upgrades to our water and wastewater systems supporting Midland’s continued growth.
- County Road 93 Secondary Plan Expansion: This $30 million infrastructure grant has attracted significant development interest. This project will establish a land use policy framework in the form of a Secondary Plan that will unlock land for development.
- Existing Infrastructure Revitalization: Investing in the continued renewal and reconstruction of existing infrastructure is vital to the sustainability of the community. Road resurfacing project on Angela Schmidt Foster Road, as well as major road reconstruction work on Yonge and Ellen Street.
- Harbour and Pete Pettersen Park Boat Launch Dock Replacement: The docks at the Harbour and Pete Pettersen Park are planned for replacement. New docks will improve access and enhance safety for residents and visitors who use these services.
- Supporting local organizations and boards: Through funding, in-kind services, or other means of support, the Town invests directly back into the community.
Proposed rates include:
- The Town’s base budget increase is 5.68% (including the requests from Agencies, Boards and Commissions).
- This increase allows the Town to maintain service levels, address OPP costs and invest in critical infrastructure. This positions the community for future growth, ensuring current and future residents continue to enjoy Midland's high quality of services.
- With Council’s strategic priorities in mind, Council and staff have put forward several new investment and service recommendations for Council’s careful consideration during budget deliberations. These requests equate to another 0.75%.
- If all service recommendations are adopted, the Town rate of 6.43%, is expected to blend down to a rate of 5.32%, when the impact of the County and Board of Education are considered. $7.30 per month per $100,000 of residential property assessment.
- 2% increase in Water Rate = $0.76 increase per month for a typical user.
- This increase supports the critical infrastructure necessary to deliver clean, safe drinking water.
- 4% increase in Wastewater Rate = $1.68 increase per month for a typical user.
- This increase supports the critical infrastructure necessary to effectively treat wastewater before it is discharged in Georgian Bay.
Town Staff look forward to receiving input from Council and the community over the six-week budget review period. Comments or questions can be e-mailed to Finance's budget inbox.
The 2025 Budget process will continue in January 2025 on the following schedule:
- December 16, 2024, to January 15, 2025 - Budget Review and Public Q&A Period. Questions can be submitted to Finance's budget inbox.
- January 15, 2025 - Budget Public Meeting.
- January 28 to 30, 2025 – Council/Staff Budget Deliberations/Approval and Agencies, Boards and Commission Presentations.
The Town of Midland Draft 2025 Budget is available on the Town’s website at