Update 5:30pm February 19, 2025
Significant Weather Event still in effect.
With the recent break from snowfall throughout the day, clean up has been completed in some priority areas.
Road widening is taking place on select priority Class 3 and 4 roads. Learn about road classifications under the Minimum Maintenance Standards.
Thank you Midland - your cooperation during this time fuels the positivity that makes our community thrive. Your patience is extremely appreciated as the crews work to address areas of concern.
Road widening operations typically takes place overnight as it is no small task. Residents may have seen the loader-mounted blower in their area removing snow banks from the roadways.
The Town will provide updates on the Significant Weather Event, and will notify through the website and social media channels when declared ended. Subscribe to notices and select the "News and Notices" to receive updates directly to your inbox.