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Bob Bruton

Bob Bruton

Bob Bruton began his newspaper career as a sports/news reporter and photographer in 1982 with the Strathroy Age-Dispatch, just outside of London, Ont. He came to Barrie in 1985, joining the Examiner’s sports department until 1988 before moving to the newsroom where he covered city hall, wrote editorials, columns and features until the paper closed in November 2017. He became a full-time member of the Barrie Today news team in December 2020.

[email protected]

Recent Work by Bob

Barrie mayor orders Stars and Stripes removed from city properties

Barrie mayor orders Stars and Stripes removed from city properties

'He is threatening our jobs, the finances of families and attempting to take food off our tables,' Nuttall says of Trump tariffs
Election is 'systematic attack on our democracy,' says local man

Election is 'systematic attack on our democracy,' says local man

'We have to do something different, because this doesn’t work,' said Kearey-Moreland after local PC candidates skip all-candidates forum
COLUMN: Welcome to the unsettling world of global chaos

COLUMN: Welcome to the unsettling world of global chaos

'Until Americans begin to feel the economic pinch, they will hitch their horse to Trump and try to walk all over Canadians,' writes reporter Bob Bruton
COLUMN: Ford opening 'political can of worms' by calling election

COLUMN: Ford opening 'political can of worms' by calling election

'When politicians start giving us our own money back, you know an election is coming,' writes reporter Bob Bruton following flurry of funding announcements
COLUMN: No need for strong mandate from voters, Ford already has one

COLUMN: No need for strong mandate from voters, Ford already has one

'The big, bad wolf may be at Canada’s door, but that’s no reason for Ford to play politics,' writes city hall reporter Bob Bruton
Waypoint doctor carrying Liberal banner in area riding

Waypoint doctor carrying Liberal banner in area riding

'There needs to be a change in leadership at Queen's Park. That being said … do we need an election right now?' says Rose Zacharias
Sides far apart: College faculty could hit picket line next week

Sides far apart: College faculty could hit picket line next week

OPSEU says that across Georgian College's Barrie, Orillia and Owen Sound campuses, about 700 college faculty members would be affected
ER physicians make a plea for more shelter, warming spaces

ER physicians make a plea for more shelter, warming spaces

'Our emergency department is already crowded and we are not able to provide beds to those who are shelter seeking,' says letter to Barrie councillors
COLUMN: Winter storm no match for Blue Buffalo at Christmas

COLUMN: Winter storm no match for Blue Buffalo at Christmas

Reporter Bob Bruton recalls his university days and trudging north in his prized Ford Cortina to get home for the holidays
Barrie unanimously backs $9.9M for Lakehead satellite campus downtown

Barrie unanimously backs $9.9M for Lakehead satellite campus downtown

'Busier streets become safer streets. The more people you put down there, I think it’s good,' says deputy mayor
More work by Bob >