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Jenny Lamothe

Jenny Lamothe

Jenny Lamothe is a reporter with, covering vulnerable and marginalized populations, as well as housing issues and the justice system.

Recent Work by Jenny

No jail time for man convicted of ‘sickening’ conspiracy to abuse children

No jail time for man convicted of ‘sickening’ conspiracy to abuse children

In a crime the judge called ‘horrific, disgusting and sickening,’ James McGuire received a six-year sentence for conspiring with their mothers to sexually assault two young children, but because he spent four years in pre-trial custody and was granted extra credit for those days, he was released upon conviction
N. Ontario prof tackles toxic masculinity, has nearly 1M followers

N. Ontario prof tackles toxic masculinity, has nearly 1M followers

Neil Shyminsky loves superheroes and superhero comics, and he uses Tiktok and other social media platforms as avenues to discuss toxic masculinity, often through the lens of superheroes
Sudbury cop guilty of 2007 sexual assault of 17-year-old student

Sudbury cop guilty of 2007 sexual assault of 17-year-old student

Wayne Foster, a now-retired 31-year officer with Greater Sudbury Police found guilty of sexually assaulting 17-year-old summer student
OPP violate rights of man arrested for drunk driving, court rules

OPP violate rights of man arrested for drunk driving, court rules

A man arrested by the Ontario Provincial Police in 2023 has been acquitted of his charges after a judge found his Canadian Charter rights were violated 
PM Trudeau is ‘an extremist,’ according to Pierre Poilievre

PM Trudeau is ‘an extremist,’ according to Pierre Poilievre

'The new way is to axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget, stop the crime. That's what I'm going to do ... I call it common sense,' says Poilievre
Supreme court ruling could affect treaty payments going forward

Supreme court ruling could affect treaty payments going forward

In the case of the Robinson Huron and Robinson Superior treaties, Canada’s Supreme Court tells Ontario the courts aren’t the place to resolve treaty disputes — negotiation is the way forward
BEHIND THE SCENES: Flour Mill drop-in centre has neighbours concerned, fearful

BEHIND THE SCENES: Flour Mill drop-in centre has neighbours concerned, fearful's Jenny Lamothe takes us behind the scenes
BEYOND LOCAL: Man serving life for murder in Sudbury charged with sexual assault in North Bay

BEYOND LOCAL: Man serving life for murder in Sudbury charged with sexual assault in North Bay

Facing new charges in North Bay, Wright is already serving a life sentence for the 1998 murder of Renée Sweeney in Sudbury
Private searchers consult psychics to find missing Sudbury councillor

Private searchers consult psychics to find missing Sudbury councillor

‘We’re running out of time,’ says Bob Johnston, former mayoral candidate and friend to missing Ward 2 Coun. Michael Vagnini
COLUMN: On World AIDS Day, let no one be ignored

COLUMN: On World AIDS Day, let no one be ignored

Jenny Lamothe, who grew up in the area, shares the story of her Uncle Garry, who died of AIDS, and what she hopes will change for people living with HIV and AIDS
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