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LETTER: CLH layoffs impact many in community

'The community needs to step up and voice our concerns and anger on how they are dealing with our wonderful members of our community,' a reader writes
CLH Developmental Support Services at 283 King Street in Midland.

MidlandToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to our article, OPSEU stages rally for 'undervalued, underserved' people in Midland, published on July 3.

I would like to correct the statement that this rally was attended by 200 OPSEU members.

I attended this rally not as an OPSEU member but as many in the crowd, a very concerned citizen for the announced layoffs of 32 staff of CLH.

I am a Head Coach and a member of Huronia Special Olympics and very familiar with the residents of CLH homes for those with Development Disabilities. I have a close relationship with management at CLH and they do an incredible job looking after our vulnerable people. Without the homes and staff, these peoples lives are threatened to an unknown future.

We are bombed with TV ads about the importance of the Mental Health programs our Government provides yet they cut funding for the services to the programs like CLH.

I disagree with Dean Johnson (CEO of CLH) that this an OPSEU thing not CLH, this a community thing and the community needs to step up and voice our concerns and anger on how they are dealing with our wonderful members of our community.

Bryan Wilson