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LETTER: Councils' war of words should include 'telephone'

Reader suggests that rather than sending letters to one another, Penetanguishene Mayor Doug Rawson and Tiny Township Mayor David Evans should just have a phone chat
Penetanguishene Public Library's board has been at the centre of squabble involvijng Tiny Township and Penetanguishene.

MidlandToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). This letter is in response to story titled 'Library books causing donnybrook between Penetang, Tiny councils', published Feb. 6.

Dear Editor,

My wife and I are newcomers to Tiny.

Like many others, we longed for the calmer, comforting environment available in this very neat area. What we did not long for was a continuation of the aggressive, partisan exchanges that increasingly characterize urban, political life to the south where letter writing is increasingly replacing dialogue.

I note the many terms contained in your recent article that define the interaction between Mayors David Evans and Doug Rawson that can creep into council and community. To the terms to which I refer: Alleged, appalled, respectful, non-collaborative, agreement, maltreatment, outreach, partner, unfriendly, reciprocal and honour, I would like to add another. Telephone!

Come on guys! You can do better. Your constituents deserve more.

John Vice
Tiny Township