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Federal government funding COVID support programs for seniors

Organizations have until Oct. 20 to submit a proposal
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The Government of Canada is committed to supporting organizations and projects that empower seniors and contribute to improving their health and well-being.

Tony Van Bynen, Member Parliament for Newmarket-Aurora, on behalf of the Minister of Seniors Deb Schulte, is announcing the launch of the 2020-21 New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) Call for Proposals for community-based projects. This year, organizations will be able to apply for funding to support seniors dealing with the pandemic by submitting project proposals that offer specific COVID-19 relief and recovery activities for seniors. Organizations are still welcome to submit proposals for traditional NHSP projects that they plan to deliver in 2021-22.

The Government is committed to ensuring that the NHSP is responsive to feedback and reflects the current realities of seniors and senior-serving organizations. To that end, a number of changes have been made this year, including improvements to program parameters, delivery and access.

Organizations are invited to apply for funding that supports the NHSP national priorities for this cycle:
    1.    Supporting healthy aging
    2.    Preventing elder abuse and fraud
    3.    Combating ageism, celebrating diversity and promoting inclusion
    4.    Improving seniors’ access to government services and benefits
    5.    Adapting community-based organizations to a more virtual environment

The 2020–21 NHSP community-based Call for Proposals is open until Oct. 20, 2020. For details on how to apply, visit here.

“We are investing in community support projects across the country to help seniors stay connected and engaged.  Seniors have experienced significant negative impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to help local organizations—big and small—provide relevant support to seniors of all backgrounds.” - The Honourable Deb Schulte, Minister of Seniors

“The Government of Canada deeply values the contributions that seniors have made to our country. Right now, seniors need our support more than ever. I invite community organizations in Newmarket-Aurora to apply for funding through this year’s call for proposals and submit their projects that can help local seniors during or after the pandemic.” - Tony Van Bynen, Member of Parliament Newmarket-Aurora

Quick facts
    •    Seniors are the fastest-growing demographic age group in Canada. By 2030, the number of seniors is expected to reach 9.6 million, representing close to one quarter of Canada’s population.
    •    The NHSP provides grants and contributions for projects that help improve the well-being of seniors in their communities and foster their social inclusion. Every year, organizations are invited to apply for NHSP community-based funding through a call for proposals.
    •    Community-based projects are eligible to receive up to $25,000 in grant funding.
    •    Funds are set aside for grants of up to $5,000 for organizations that have not received funding from the program in the past five years.
    •    Since 2004, the NHSP has funded more than 27,400 projects in hundreds of communities across Canada, with a total Government of Canada investment of more than $600 million dollars.
