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Former Midland mayor remembered for his compassion, analytical mind and zest for life

Ted Symons, who died Wednesday at age 85, was exactly the way people described him: 'thoughtful, analytical, and willing to look at a problem from a multitude of ways to find a win-win,' says current mayor
Ted Symons, former Midland mayor, died Nov. 25, 2020, at the age of 85. Supplied photo.

Mayor Stewart Strathearn knew former mayor Edward (Ted) Franklyn Symons only by reputation until the two finally met.

"He was mayor at a time when I was away from town," said Strathearn, talking about his predecessor, who died at Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Wednesday at age 85.

"He was hugely respected and liked by staff here at town hall and as I understand in the community, in general. This is my understanding from people who have told me this."

Strathearn said he was always told Symons was fair in terms of how he dealt with everybody and thoughtful when approached about different issues in the town.

"He genuinely listened to people, which is rare," said Strathearn. "As a result of that he was genuinely liked."

And when he finally met Symons, who had been mayor from 1988 to 1994, Strathearn said he found him to be exactly how people had described him.

"He listened, he was thoughtful, analytical, and willing to look at a problem from a multitude of ways to find a win-win," said the current mayor, adding he had met him through his own activities at the sailing club.

"I found him to be quite insightful and very eloquent in terms of moving forward the position of the sailing club," said Strathearn. "I enjoyed the time I spent with him."

He said Symons was also a strong advocate of the Midland Police Service and spoke his mind with respect to that.

"I quite liked the man, actually," said Strathearn. "I wished I'd known him better really. People that I respect spoke very highly of him."

He noted that Symons continued to be involved in the community even after he was no longer on council.

"He tended to show up for some of the public meetings and expressed himself succinctly," he said. "Even after he retired, he continued to be engaged in the community in his own quiet way."

Symons' obituary available online details his life, starting from the time he attended Gananoque Secondary School before going on to receive his Mechanical Engineering degree from Queen’s University in 1961.

After graduating, he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) as a Flight Lieutenant and served in France and Germany with Canada’s NATO forces. After leaving the RCAF, he returned to Queens to pursue his law degree and relocated to Midland to begin his law career. 

A prominent member of the community, Symons was a well-respected lawyer. He retired in 2010, after 10 years with HGR Graham Partners LLP. Over the years, Symons served the community as a board member with the Midland Chamber of Commerce, Midland Police Services (MPS), the Huronia Museum and he chaired the town’s strategic planning committee.

His professional contributions in the community earned him multiple awards from the town, MPS, and the Rotary Club of Midland.

An avid sailor, Symons was a member of the Midland Bay Sailing Club for over 50 years and also served as director and commodore for seven years, and chaired the club's future planning committee.

He was a licensed pilot who flew his own planes, and a skilled paddler who just this past summer spent time in the wood-planked kayak that he built with his own hands. Symons was drawn to quieter sports, including golf and curling, but he also enjoyed the thrill of downhill skiing and had even tried his hand at skydiving. He loved a great adventure and enjoyed traveling and meeting people from all around the world.

Symons is survived by his wife Jo-Ann Symons, children Susan and Sarah Symons and Lynda Guindon, grandchildren Helen, Aidan, Jacob, Foster and Hudson, as well as three great grandchildren.

A celebration of life will be planned when it is once again safe to gather as friends and family to honour his memory.