Guys Who Care North Simcoe continues to make the region a better place.
This time around, group members voted to donate $15,000 to La Maison Rosewood Shelter.
“The funds are earmarked to help provide a secure outdoor recreation area,” said organization co-founder Andrew Combes.
Due to COVID-19, the online gathering was held virtually. However, like a regular face-to-face get-together voting was held in real time with La Maison Rosewood chosen as the chosen beneficiary meeting was held virtually with tih voting carried out in real time to
Combes said Rosewood was chosen because it’s been extremely busy providing care and shelter during the pandemic.
“Essentially Rosewood won, I believe, because of the knowledge that women in the shelter are spending virtually all their time in small rooms during COVID and can have one or two children in that room,” Combes said.
“In addition, several of the Guys made donations to the other charities pitched at the spring meeting over and above their commitment to the chosen charity.”
The charitable group has now been operating since December 2015 and in that time have raised and donated more than $220,000 to 13 local charities.
“The Guys organization has no overheads and thus every single dollar raised goes directly to the beneficiary charities,” Combes said, adding they’re always looking for new members with the next meeting slated for the fall.
At each meeting, three names are drawn from a hat and the three chosen Guys give a “very short and pithy pitch” on why the group as a whole should choose his preferred charity.
“After three pitches and a short Q and A, the Guys vote by ballot with the winning charity receiving all the funds raised at the meeting, Combes said.
For more information about Guys Who Care, click here. For more on La Maison Rosewood Shelter, click this link.