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Midland council opts to replace Downer's 'omnipresent' legacy with previous candidates

Sombre meeting decides to to replace former Coun. Jim Downer with those who vied for spot after death of Jack Contin. Downer's funeral and celebration of life slated for Saturday at NSSRC
Flowers and lit candles commemorated the seat of Coun. Jim Downer, as Midland council declared the seat vacant prior to choosing the process to fill the vacancy.

Flowers and lit candles occupied the area where former Midland councillor Jim Downer resided during last night’s special meeting of council.

Despite council retiring for the summer, a special meeting was held to address several municipal matters. The unexpected death of Coun. Downer last month prompted an additional item on the agenda; to declare the council seat vacant and to choose a method of replacement.

Mayor Bill Gordon began the meeting by introducing a moment of silent reflection, allowing him to reiterate the magnitude of the loss.

“I think tonight I’d like to channel everyone’s silent reflection to the obvious empty seat at the dais up here,” said Gordon.

“Coun. Jim Downer... served Midland faithfully with integrity and honour for just under 30 years, having won the hearts and minds of Midland residents through successive elections; taking a bit of time off and then coming back and joining us last term and again this term. We lost Jim, and his presence is with us in spirit even though he can’t be with us here physically any longer.”

Gordon announced that an open invitation was extended for the funeral and celebration of life for Downer, to be held at the North Simcoe Sports and Recreation Centre (527 Len Self Blvd.) this Saturday, July 13, at 1 p.m.

“There’s not much in this community that we can look to where Jim hasn’t had a part of that, either directly or indirectly,” Gordon added. “As a lawmaker, as a resident, as a family member, and a valued member of this council over the decades; his legacy is omni-present and all around us.”

Downer’s death was the most recent in a series of unfortunate circumstances that Midland has endured this term, including the death of Deputy Mayor Jack Contin last year which caused an interview-based special council meeting in March to select the newest council representative, Coun. Jaz Patel.

Gordon's Facebook page features an image of council as it stands now with Patel photoshopped into the picture and Downer and Contin shrouded in white.

The meeting carried on through several other matters before addressing the council vacancy nearing the end. Before council voted the seat vacant as per the Municipal Act, Gordon asked if any council members wished to say something, which Patel addressed.

“It’s a regret I didn’t get to meet Mr. Downer personally; but he did give me inspiration to be here and I’m very thankful for that,” said Patel.

The seat was declared vacant, and members of council were presented with options to choose how they would like to fill the role; staff recommended selecting from the pool of six remaining candidates from the March selection process.

Gordon explained beforehand that he had been approached by community members not in the previous pool of applicants who showed interest to fill the position, and offered that knowledge to council. However, council members unanimously chose the option to select from the previous applicants, to be selected at a special meeting of council on August 7.

“I’m looking to fill this with somebody with experience – that’s just my perspective,” Gordon told MidlandToday following the meeting. “I think it’s probably going to be the wrong time to bring somebody brand, brand new into this council this late in the term. We have so much left to do

“Ultimately, council decides. I’m definitely looking for some experience; I just don’t have it in me to guide somebody brand new through the ropes again this late in the term with so much on the go.”

Gordon also anticipated that the previous candidates would still be interested in the role, although they hadn’t been contacted prior to the meeting.

“I would be shocked if any of the six wouldn’t want another chance to do it; it was just a few months ago,” said Gordon. “It’s just a matter of each of them likely lobbying councillors to say: ‘would you please nominate me, and be ready to convince your peers that I’m the right guy or gal for the job.

“For one particular candidate, they received really disgusting hate mail after the loss. I would have thought that the person would have no appetite at all for running again, but they’ve already reached out to this council by email indicating that they are interested, despite that despicable act that somebody decided to put together and send to them. 

“To me, that shows some fortitude and a little bit of ‘alligator skin’ as Coun. Downer used to say, which you definitely need in this job,” said Gordon.

The council vacancy report for Coun. Jim Downer is available in the council agenda on the town of Midland website.

Council meetings are held every third Wednesday, and can be viewed on Rogers TV cable channel 53 when available, or through the livestream on the Rogers TV website. Archives of council meetings are available through Rogers TV and on the Town of Midland’s YouTube channel.

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Derek Howard, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

About the Author: Derek Howard, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Derek Howard covers Midland and Penetanguishene area civic issues under the Local Journalism Initiative, which is funded by the Government of Canada.
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