Penetanguishene is joining its neighbours in calling for a review of the Severn Sound Environmental Association (SSEA) mandate and its funding formula.
During the recent Penetanguishene committee of the whole meeting, both Deputy Mayor Dan La Rose and Coun. George Vadeboncoeur requested to have a letter addressed from within their council information package for late July.
Penned in mid-July by the municipality of Georgian Bay Township, the request was to the other partners in the eight member municipalities of the SSEA to support a third-party review of the organization’s letter of agreement for the joint municipal service board, as well as the funding formula.
Although written by Georgian Bay Township, the request originated from Tay Township looking at the perceived disparity and inequity of who-paid-what for core and non-core services using the SSEA along the Severn Sound watershed.
A thorough explanation of the complex funding formula can be read in the March 31 MidlandToday article, “SSEA funding formula, budget making things 'difficult' for Tay council”.
In late July, Tay Township expressed ‘disappointment’ during its council meeting due to a lack of response from the neighbouring towns of Midland and Penetanguishene.
At the recent Penetanguishene meeting, La Rose pulled the letter for discussion and stated: “I think it would be prudent on our part to look after this, deal with it, and give them an answer so they're not hanging.”
Vadeboncoeur added that he had missed addressing an earlier letter in May during the June council information package, and also wished to look to respond to the Georgian Bay Township letter.
Coun. Suzanne Marchand represents Penetanguishene on the SSEA board, and stressed clarity around the differences between the May and July letters.
“If we were to go back to the (May 29) letter that we’ve received from Tay Township, it is not the same motion that is being expressed here through our colleagues. This one (July 17) does talk about an independent third-party contractor doing the review. Tay was looking for it to be done amongst the committee and board members,” said Marchand.
“I can confirm that that absolutely was the direction of that motion; this one is very specific about using a third party, which I would be in support of.”
Further discussion revolved around how the July letter would be addressed and what direction would be taken, but Vadeboncoeur asserted that providing a response was the main objective in his opinion.
“The mechanics of who does it and how it's done, I think that could be a discussion for another day,” said Vadeboncoeur. “For me, it was more that the town of Penetanguishene should be responding, saying that we agree that there should be a review of the agreement and a review of the funding formula.”
Council chose to follow Marchand’s vantage as the SSEA board representative, for which she provided her view on why the third-party consultant would be a good choice to support.
“I think there is a need to modernize the existing agreement and outline a few more things so that everybody who is there truly understands their portion, what they’re getting for it, and really, the benefit of the SSEA and the amount of savings that we have by having them doing the amazing work that they do for all of us,” Marchand explained.
“There's too many vested interests that I don't think we can parcel them out as the eight member municipalities,” Marchand added. “This agreement — it is time for a revision and review and modernization, quite honestly.”
With the committee of the whole in agreement, a motion was passed to express appreciation to the SSEA for work carried out to date, while requesting a quotation for an independent third party, paid by all member municipalities, for conducting a service level and fee structure review.
The letter of support from Georgian Bay Township can be located on the agenda page of the Town of Penetanguishene website.
Meetings of Penetanguishene council are held on the second Wednesday of each month, and can be watched live on Rogers TV cable 53 when available, or on the Rogers TV website.
Archives of council meetings are located on the Town of Penetanguishene YouTube channel.