TAY TOWNSHIP - The Festive R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) Program started across the province at 12:01 a.m. Nov. 26, 2020 and members of the Southern Georgian Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have been doing their part by setting up 25 separate R.I.D.E. check stops since Nov. 26, 2020 on roadways here in North Simcoe.
Officers have checked over 601 drivers and vehicles resulting in one driver being charged for impaired driving and two drivers have registered a "pass" reading on the Roadside Screening device.
The officers are participating in a road safety effort to reduce the incidence of impaired driving on area roadways here in North Simcoe by conducting R.I.D.E. check stops and proactive traffic patrol.
Police remind motorists that an essential part of the enforcement job is to save lives and reduce injuries on our trails, roadways and waterways.
Educating the public about safe driving practices with our community safety partners is a priority, if you see a possible impaired driver or operator please "make the call" and dial 911 and help prevent a crash.