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Notice of Public Meeting (September 25, 2024) - Planning


The Corporation of the Town of Midland Planning Department will hold a hybrid (virtual and in-person) Public Meeting on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 starting at 6:00pm.

View the official notice here.

This proposed Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment applies to all lands within the Town of Midland. 

The Town initiated Zoning By-law Housekeeping Exercise is to improve the day-to-day use and application of the Zoning By-law. The housekeeping exercise proposes to make the following changes:

Update Section 1: Title and Administration to: 

  • Revise wording of existing regulations to recognize primary uses and assist with the interpretation and readability of the Zoning By-law.  

Update Section 2: Definitions to: 

  • Revise, add and remove terms to provide clear direction and assist with use of the document. 

Update Section 3: General Provisions to: 

  • Comply with legislative changes introduced by Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act by,  
    • Removing existing regulations regarding second units,  
    • Adding new Additional Residential Unit (ARU) regulations that permit up to two ARUs on a residential parcel of land and provide building standards for attached and detached ARUs;  
  • Update the accessory building sections to include more prescriptive wording regarding setback requirements for detached accessory buildings. 
  • Update home occupation regulations with more prescriptive wording regarding operators of a home occupation and size and location of a home occupation. 
  • Revise existing regulations regarding yard encroachments and decks to align with Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. 
  • Revise regulations for decks built on a lot with a semi-detached dwelling unit. 

Update Section 4: Parking & Loading: 

  • Update the parking section of the By-law with more perspective wording relating to parking standards for residential zones. 

Update Section 5: Residential Zones to: 

  • Update the list of permitted uses to recognize additional residential units (ARUs) as per recently passed provincial legislation, Bill 23: More Homes Built Faster Act. 
  • Remove sign regulations related to the Residential Office (RO) Zone. 

Update Section 6: Downtown Core Commercial (DC) Zone to: 

  • Update regulation to permit fourplexes in the DC Zone for properties not fronting onto King Street. 
  • Update the regulations for mixed-use buildings containing ground floor commercial uses with residential uses on the upper floors. 

Any person may comment on the proposed Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment. If you wish to provide comments, you must do so in writing by September 25th, 2024.

Submit written submissions to the Clerk's office or to Planning staff, or by mail to Town of Midland, 575 Dominion Avenue, Midland, Ontario, L4R 1R2.

If you are unable to make a written submission and therefore wish to make an oral statement during the meeting, please contact the Clerk’s office.

Read this article on our website.