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Town receiving $30M for upgrades for water and wastewater infrastructure


On August 30th Minister Jill Dunlop was joined by Mayor Bill Gordon, CAO Rhonda Bunn, as well as Town Council members and staff to share the announcement that the Town of Midland will receive over $30M in funding for upgrades to the Town’s water and wastewater systems. The announcement took place at the Town's Dominion Avenue water tower.

The Town is grateful for this support through the Ministry of Infrastructure Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund. This significant contribution will be instrumental in the future servicing of over 3,000 new homes in Midland.

The Town’s water and wastewater projects that will be realized through this funding were identified in our master plans for servicing new growth, including:

  • Replacing and decommissioning of a 123-year-old water tower,
  • building a new water tower near Highways 12 and 93,
  • building a new booster pumping station,
  • installing over 1.4 km of new watermain,
  • replacing the 60-year-old headworks facility at the Wastewater Plant to allow it to expand and treat over 42,000 cubic metres of wastewater per day.

This investment ensures that the Town can continue to provide vital clean, safe water and effective wastewater management, making a stronger, healthier, and more resilient community for today and for generations to come.

Read the news release issued by the office of Jill Dunlop, MPP for Simcoe North.

Read this article on our website.