Take notice that on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, the Council of the Town of Midland will hold a Public Meeting pursuant to The Development Charges Act, 1997, regarding proposed Development Charge rates and policies that will be applied throughout the Town and the areas of Tiffin by the Bay and Balm Beach. It is proposed that enactment of a Development Charges By-law by Council would occur on a date subsequent to the Public Meeting.
Development Charges (DC) are levied against new development and are a primary source of funding for growth-related capital expenditures. The Development Charges Background Study relates to the provision of all eligible DC Services (i.e., General Government, Library, Fire, Police, Indoor Recreation, Parks, Public Works, Transit Services, Roads & Related, Sanitary Sewerage and Water Services).
Council is required under The Development Charges Act, 1997, to hold at least one Public Meeting to allow the public the opportunity to review and provide comments on the updated Development Charges Background Study, related Staff Reports and the proposed Development Charges By-law.
All interested parties are invited to attend the Public Meeting:
Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: Council Chambers, Town of Midland, 575 Dominion Ave, L4R 1R2
Any person may attend the public meeting and make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the By-law. Written submissions are invited and should be directed to the Clerk's office no later than 12:00 p.m. on Friday, February 21, 2025. Written comments received prior to the meeting and submissions made at the Public Meeting will be considered by Council prior to the enactment of a new Development Charges By-law.
Technical inquiries should be emailed to the CFO/Treasurer or by phone 705-526-4275, ext. 2215.
A copy of the updated Development Charges Background Study was made available on the Town’s website on Friday, January 17, 2025.
Dated at the Town of Midland this 4th day of February 2025.