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LETTER: Dodging the goose poop at Little Lake Park

'The beach area is no longer safe to swim in and the lawn is disgusting because of the Canada Geese scoot in every direction,' a reader writes
A sign in Midland's Little Lake Park warns against feeding geese and other wildlife, as per the town bylaw.

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Every year around this time (August) the lawn and beach at Little Lake Park becomes a "dodge the land mines" game. The beach area is no longer safe to swim in and the lawn is disgusting because of the Canada Geese scoot in every direction.

I realize the geese are 'pretty' but the mess they leave should not be tolerated. There must be something the Town of Midland can do to chase them away. Certainly this excrement must be a health hazard for swimmers and anyone walking on the lawn. No place to spread a blanket and enjoy the sunshine .... it's 'gross' to say the least.

Why doesn't the Town look into some method of deterring the geese from landing at Little Lake Park. The geese realize that they are safe and that's why they congregate there. Hire a dog owner that will chase them away, something, but to leave this 'as-is' does nothing for promoting our 'clean' town and its amenities.

Larry Barrette