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LETTER: Election interference should be non-partisan issue

'Every candidate deserves a fair election, with no interference,' says letter writer
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Since the foreign interference in Canadian elections issue first arose, I have been following the discourse in print and orally with interest.

I think that there is one aspect of the issue that has been overlooked — namely, the effect on the candidates.

In the past I have been a campaign manager in federal and provincial campaigns. I have been a candidate in five federal campaigns, winning four times (one by 66 votes) and losing once. Prior to that I sought office in the Canadian Junior Chamber of Commerce movement and won and lost in several campaigns.

Candidates for federal, provincial and municipal seats have my respect and admiration no matter where they run and whether they run as a member of a political party or, municipally, on their own. This also applies to candidates for office in volunteer associations.

Candidates run to improve a situation. Generally, they bring a positive solution to an issue.

Candidates in our Canadian democratic system put their names forward and then try to convince people to support them. They work very hard at campaigning, spending time and effort and often their own funds.

First of all they announce publicly that they are seeking the office. Their party may be hugely popular or unpopular in the geographical area. That doesn’t matter to them. They go through the nomination process and then the election. There are far more losers than winners. Family and friends become involved on their behalf.

Every candidate deserves a fair election, with no interference. That means no interference, domestic or foreign. Foreign interference is even more offensive.

Everyone has an interest in seeing that Canadian elections at all levels are fair to all and allow absolutely no interference by anybody. I would hope that the federal political parties can sort this issue out on a non-partisan basis and move forward quickly to improve the process.

Doug Lewis