MidlandToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to a letter about an early election being called in Ontario, published Jan. 24.
Kudos to Sue Garratt for today’s letter regarding an early election call in Ontario.
In addition to the approximately three billion (yep, billion with a ‘b’) dollars the provincial Progressive Conservatives are planning to send out to buy our votes, an election would cost in the $2- to $3-million range.
I was as happy as anyone to see Premier Doug Ford sport his “Canada is not for sale” cap, but he evidently thinks that Ontario voters are. An early election has the potential to install Mr. Ford in his office at Queen’s Park until 2029.
He has a mandate now for one more year — covering the early transition to a Trump presidency. If the man wants to bill himself as Captain Canada, he should run for a federal office, and quit throwing Ontario’s tax dollars to his wealthy buddies while healthcare and education lay panting for air.
Brenda Rayment
Victoria Harbour