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LETTER: Graduations an inspiring celebration of success

'I had forgotten how inspiring graduation ceremonies can be,' says proud grandfather
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Last Friday, my wife and I went to my grandson’s graduation. This is graduation season. I had forgotten how inspiring graduation ceremonies can be. When I was a member of Parliament, I went to every one I could.

Graduation is a celebration of success. There are three different groups at a graduation — first, the graduates themselves, followed by parents, relatives and friends, and then the teachers and staff. Each group celebrates success in a different way.

The graduates celebrate their own success and participate in the success of the friends that they have made over the course of their studies. The ceremony is bittersweet in a way as they will be moving on and leaving behind their friends.

Their parents, relatives and friends have participated in the graduates’ journey through learning. Parents have encouraged and financed the graduates’ success. They see the fruits of that support. Relatives have played their role, as have friends.

Teachers and staff see the annual fruits of their labour. They are as pleased as the other groups.

So, if you get an opportunity, go to a graduation ceremony. You will come away inspired.

Doug Lewis