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LETTER: Truck convoy supporter says writer needs to understand dangers of 'tyranny'

'Do people including truck drivers and healthcare workers in Canada really need to choose between a vaccine and their careers & livelihood?' reader asks
2022-01-31 truck convoy 5
Truck convoy protest on Parliament Hill on Monday, January 31, 2022. (Photo/Nigel Newlove)

MidlandToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). This letter is in response to a letter published Tuesday entitled Trucker convoy protestors need to learn what 'real freedom' means.

Dear Editor,

You said your grandfather fought in World War 1 for “real” freedom.

I ask what your definition of real freedom is?

My grandfather fought in World War 2 and risked his life to stop a tyrannical government at all costs to ensure we had real freedom.

Do people including truck drivers and healthcare workers in Canada really need to choose between a vaccine and their careers & livelihood?

Is that freedom?

If your answer is yes, then this is no longer the free Canada that your and my Grandfather fought for.

Real freedom is getting to choose what you put in your body and not losing your job because of that choice.

If the economic impact is your concern then the government has the choice to remove the unlawful mandates, so these peaceful tax-paying Canadians can get back to the jobs they love.

You mentioned “sedition” in your option piece.

Well the definition of sedition is: Incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority.

The point here is that it must be lawful authority.

Mandates are not laws. Somewhere we have lost our most important laws including the Canadian Constitution, the Canadian Bill of Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms.

These are the “real freedoms” our grandfathers fought for. Nothing supersedes these Canadian laws, not mandates and not government overreach.

I have been to Ottawa and heard their cries. When Mr. Trudeau decides to come out from hiding, perhaps, he can initiate a real conversation like an adult who is leading a country.

When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.

Thank you truck drivers for having the courage to stand up to tyranny. They have shown true leadership, and are caring not just about their future, but the future of all Canadians to come.

Let’s ensure these next generations have “real” freedoms too.

Dee Nemeth
