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Province kicks in cash for MRI machine at GBGH

Hospital to receive $800K annually for MRI operating costs
Simcoe North MPP Jill Dunlop, left, is shown during a tour of Georgian Bay General Hospital earlier this year.

The Ontario government is improving people’s access to diagnostic imaging services and reducing wait times by investing over $200,200 to support the operation of a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine at Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) in the Town of Midland.

“Working closely with GBGH on this initiative, I was thrilled to share the news of Ontario’s investment for a new MRI unit with them. This MRI machine is an integral device for GBGH that will allow patients to stay within the region to carry out an MRI,” said Jill Dunlop, MPP, Simcoe North. “The new MRI machine will also help alleviate pressures and reduce wait times for other hospitals that have the machines and have been servicing Midland residents over the years.”

This funding will provide Georgian Bay General Hospital with annual operational funding of $800,800 for a new MRI machine. For people in Midland and Simcoe North, this means they will have more convenient access to diagnostic imaging and no longer need to travel to receive an MRI scan.

“Our government is ensuring hospitals across the province have the funds they need to operate their new MRI machines and increase access to diagnostic imaging for people in their communities,” said Sylvia Jones, deputy premier and minister of health. “For some communities, this funding means they will have their first-ever MRI machine and residents will have more convenient access to care closer to home.”

This funding is part of the government’s investment of over $20 million to support the operations of 27 new MRI machines in hospitals across Ontario. With more MRI services throughout the province, patients can be diagnosed faster and if needed, begin treatment and follow-up care even sooner.

“We are grateful the Ministry of Health has recognized the importance of investing MRI funding in small, rural communities where access to a diversity of services can be a challenge,” says Matthew Lawson, president and CEO, GBGH. “Having an MRI here is another opportunity to bring care closer to home for patients as they will not have to travel as far or wait as long for this important diagnostic procedure. GBGH is committed to bringing this MRI to our residents as soon as we can complete construction and commissioning the equipment. We feel this urgency to start the project not only because it will serve our immediate community; it assists in reducing wait times across our region when more capacity is added to the system. Recognizing the importance of bringing an MRI to GBGH, the hospital’s foundation has committed to fundraising for this project as we will need our generous community’s support to assist in purchasing this equipment for our hospital.”
